Figurines of Cochiti Pueblo

August 01, 2009 until August 13, 2009

Figurine pottery has always been a tradition among the pottery-producing tribes. Cochiti Pueblo has always been at the forefront in this area. Cochiti Pueblo figurines were at their prime between 1870 and 1920. They were most probably made in jest of non-Indian people: the Franciscan Monks, Spanish Merchants, Soldiers, Circus Freaks, etc. Unfortunately for today\'s collectors, the museum staffs shunned them. Not a single figurine was collected by the Indian Arts Fund from its founding in 1920 until after 1935. Potters were discouraged from making them. Now, we find them charming. Fortunately, today’s potters are making figurines—storyteller, animals, birds, etc. so that we have a wide variety from which to choose.

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