Traditional Tewa Polished Red Jar by Tina Garcia


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Tina Garcia, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

This traditional Tewa vessel shape was made by Tina Garcia of Santa Clara Pueblo. It is not dated on the underside, but it was originally purchased by the previous owner in 1989. It is a gorgeous vessel shape that expands from the small base to a wide mid-body before curving around to an elevated edge known as a rainbow edge. The long, graceful neck curves inward and out to an expanded neck.  The artist did sign her name on the bottom of the vessel.

Tina Garcia (1957 - 2005) was the granddaughter of Severa Tafoya. Her mother was from Santa Clara Pueblo and her father from Ohkay Owingeh. She learned pottery making from her grandmother and her aunt, Angela Baca. She was producing blackware herself by the time she was eleven. When she decided to become a career potter, she spent time in museums studying artforms. She made pots that honored the traditional forms with a beautifully polished modern finish. The only decoration she used was the traditional Santa Clara bear paw, and she did so infrequently. She received many notable awards during her career and placed her works in major museums.

Condition: excellent original condition

Provenance: this Traditional Tewa Polished Red Jar by Tina Garcia is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Reference: Pueblo Indian Pottery: 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.

TAGS: Santa Clara PuebloOhkay Owingeh PuebloSevera TafoyaSouthwest Indian Pottery

Tina Garcia, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
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