Santa Clara Pueblo Large Red Slipped Wedding Vase
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- Category: Modern
- Origin: Santa Clara Pueblo, Kha'p'oo Owinge
- Medium: clay
- Size:
10-¾” height x 7-½” width x 6-½” depth - Item # C4848N
- Price: $3500
Santa Clara Pueblo artist Jason Ebelacker created this marvelous highly burnished wedding vase with a bear paw impression. In an unusual style, Jason made the body of the vessel wider than thick, so the overall shape is oval. The wedding vase was purchased directly from the potter on January 5, 2017, so it was likely made in 2016. The vessel is signed on the underside concave base, but it is not dated.
Jason Ebelacker (1980- ) is a grandson of Virginia Ebelacker.
What is the Purpose of a Wedding Vase?
Condition: very good condition
Provenance: this Santa Clara Pueblo Large Red Slipped Wedding Vase is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident
Recommended Reading: Born of Fire: The Pottery of Margaret Tafoya by Charles S. King
TAGS: Margaret Tafoya, Sara Fina, Santa Clara Pueblo, Richard Ebelacker, Virginia Ebelacker, Southwest Indian Pottery, Jason Ebelacker
- Category: Modern
- Origin: Santa Clara Pueblo, Kha'p'oo Owinge
- Medium: clay
- Size:
10-¾” height x 7-½” width x 6-½” depth - Item # C4848N
- Price: $3500
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