Large Bulbous Red Jar made by Virginia Ebelacker in the 1990s


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Virginia Ebelacker, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

This large red globular jar is not signed with the name of the potter, however, there is a hand-written letter signed by Yvonne Ebelacker, dated August 6, 2019, that states:

"I Yvonne Ebelacker verify that this pot (red) 12-½" x 14" is a Virginia Ebelacker. She made this in the 1990's. This was given to Richard Ebelacker after she passed away.

TAGS: Margaret TafoyaSara FinaSanta Clara Pueblopottery makingRichard EbelackerJason EbelackerVirginia Ebelacker

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.

Virginia Ebelacker, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
C4848X-large-red.jpgC4848X-large2.jpg Click on image to view larger.