Tina Garcia, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

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Tina Garcia (1957-2005) signature

Award-winning Santa Clara Pueblo pottery artist Tina Garcia was known for her plain and carved blackware and redware jars, water jars and bowls. Tina Garcia also made large, classic water jars with beautifully tall necks and had been winning awards since 1974.

Tina Garcia Trujillo, Santa Clara Pueblo, a signature she used when married

Tina Garcia (1957 - 2005) was from both Santa Clara Pueblo and Ohkay Owingeh (formerly San Juan) Pueblo. She was the granddaughter of Severa Tafoya and Cleto Tafoya; daughter of Lydia Tafoya and Santiago Garcia.

Some of Tina's earlier pots were signed Tina Garcia-Trujillo or Tina G. Trujillo. After her divorce, she went back to signing her pots, Tina Garcia. Even today, Tina is still best remembered for her large, classic water jars with tall necks and sometimes fluted rims.

Reference: Pueblo Indian Pottery: 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.

TAGS: Santa Clara PuebloOhkay Owingeh Pueblo, Severa TafoyaSouthwest Indian Pottery