Cochiti Pueblo Large Pottery Serving Bowl with Rain Cloud Design [SOLD]
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- Category: Modern
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 5” depth x 9-1/2” diameter
- Item # C3870B SOLD
The hesitation in defining the origin of a bowl sometimes is because it icould be one that may have originated at Cochiti or Kewa Pueblo. In such an instance, a designation of Keres—the language of both pueblos—would be apprpoiate. That was a consideration when evaluating this bowl. The outturned rim is more a feature of Cochiti Pueblo but the strong black on the exterior is more like that from Kewa Pueblo. The single rain cloud on the interior is something that is generally not seen on any Kewa pottery, another fact leaning toward an origin of Cochiti. Cochiti Puebo as the origin has been our decision.
The bowl is most interesting with the outturned rim, something that sets it above most serving bowls from either Keres Pueblos. The single rain cloud design on the interior is also a unique design not generally seen on such bowls. The potter of this bowl was creative, artistic, and expressive.
The bowl was made for use at the pueblo as indicated by the initials SPT carved on the exterior red underbody. Initials of this type are applied to bowls that are used for communal servings at ceremonial functions. It is an identifying mark to ensure that the bowl is returned to the rightful owner following the ceremony. It may or may not be the maker's intitals.
Note: Keres is the language spoken by the Puebloan people of Acoma, Cochiti, Laguna, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Santo Domingo, and Zia Pueblos and are so closely related that linguists usually consider them dialects of a single language, known as Keres or Keresan.
Condition: the only fault is a short slip crack on the interior bottom which would not preclude use of the bowl.
Provenance: this Cochiti Pueblo Large Pottery Serving Bowl with Rain Cloud Design is from a gentleman, formerly of Texas
Recommended Reading: A River Apart: The Pottery of Cochiti & Santo Domingo Pueblos by Valerie Verzuh
Relative Links: Southwest Indian Pottery, Cochiti Pueblo, Contemporary Pottery, Kewa Pueblo
- Category: Modern
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 5” depth x 9-1/2” diameter
- Item # C3870B SOLD