BIRDS on Rio Grande Pottery [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # C4263D
- Date Published: Soft cover, staple binding, first edition 1968
- Size: 22 pages SOLD
BIRDS on Rio Grande Pottery
Sub-title: Bird, Birding, and Bird Tail Motifs Found on Rio Grande Glaze Pottery Vessels from Ancient Tonque Indian Ruin in New Mexico
By Franklin Barnett
Publisher: Southwest Printers, Yuma
Soft cover, staple binding, first edition 1968, 22 pages
I. Scope
II. Bird Charms (Amulet or Talisman)
III. Bird Motif on Ancient Pottery Vessels
IV. Bird, Birding, and Bird Tail on Ancient Rio Grande Pottery Vessels
V. Rio Grande Glaze and Matte Paint Materials and Colors
VI. Detail Elements of Bird, Birding, and Bird Tail Designs
Birds on Jars
Birds on Bowls
Birdings on Jars
Birdings on Bowls
Bird Tails on Jars
Bird Tails on Bowls
Condition: the book is in good condition but the cover and title page are soiled. The book has the name of the previous owner, Edna Norton, on the cover. Edna ran the pottery room at The Covered Wagon in Albuquerque for years and years.