A RIVER APART, The Pottery of Cochiti & Santo Domingo Pueblos

- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # 978-0-89013-522-8
- Date Published: 2008
- Size: 192 pages
- Price: $65
A River Apart presents multi-vocal perspectives on the pottery of Cochiti and Santo Domingo Pueblos, located along the central Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico. Separated by a great river, Cochiti and Santo Domingo Pueblos shared a ceramic tradition for centuries until increasing contact with outsiders ushered in tumultuous changes that set the pueblos on divergent paths. Cochiti Pueblo more freely modified its traditional forms of painted pottery to appeal to new markets while Santo Domingo Pueblo shunned the influences of the tourist trade and art market, continuing an artistic trajectory that was conservative and insular.
A River Apart brings together a distinguished team of anthropologists, artists, and art historians from Native and non-Native perspectives to examine the pottery traditions of the two Pueblos and decipher what discoveries can be made and identities established through these representations of material culture. As the essays reveal, the pottery represents more than anthropology's artifacts and art for the marketplace. From the pottery we learn much about the pueblos' history, myths, and legends, communities, and the artist's responses to influences from the outside world. This volume is a fascinating case study in how cultures develop; how art, culture, and community are interwoven; and how art is created, interpreted, valued, bought and sold.
This publication is companion to an exhibition opened at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (Museum of New Mexico) in Santa Fe in Fall 2008 and featuring over 200 Santo Domingo and Cochiti pots. A River Apart is a valuable addition to the libraries of those interested in Pueblo Indian pottery, Native American arts and culture, and southwestern history and anthropology.
192 pages, 9 x 11, 130 color plates, 40 documentary photographs, illustrated appendix of 325 pots. Valerie Verzuh is curator of the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico). From the Museum of New Mexico Press Catalog Release
A RIVER APART, The Pottery of Cochiti & Santo Domingo Pueblos
Edited by Valerie K. Verzuh
Foreword by Shelby Tisdale
Essays by Bruce Bernstein, J. J. Brody, Antonio Chavarria, Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Mateo Romero, and Valerie K. Verzuh.
Published in association with the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Santa Fe, NM.
- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # 978-0-89013-522-8
- Date Published: 2008
- Size: 192 pages
- Price: $65