Polly Rose Folwell Red Jar with Sculpted Rim


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Polly Rose Folwell, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

Artist signature of Polly Rose Folwell, Santa Clara Pueblo PotterThis gorgeous, sculptured jar with a kiva step opening was made by Polly Rose Folwell. It is signed with the artist's name but not dated. It was originally purchased in 1988 by the previous owner. The beautiful red body of the jar has an amazing burnish that is mirror-like. The artist then created a black accent around the rim through additional heat application.

Santa Clara Pueblo artist Polly Rose Folwell (1962- ) Quah-eh (Little Rain) is the granddaughter of Rose Naranjo; daughter of Jody Folwell; sister of Susan Folwell and Paul Folwell; mother of Jody Sue Folwell Lazaro. Polly Rose was trained in pottery making by her mother, Jody. Her mother's influence is strong. Both artists engrave, incise, and paint bold designs on buffware. Polly's work is innovative in technique and powerful in content. She is following a new path with courage and strength of conviction.

Condition: very good condition

Provenance: from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Reference and Recommended Reading:

Fourteen Families in Pueblo Pottery by Rick Dillingham

Pueblo Indian Pottery: 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf 

TAGS:  Rose NaranjoSusan FolwellSanta Clara PuebloSouthwest Indian PotteryJody FolwellPolly Rose Folwell

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.

Polly Rose Folwell, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
C4850N-polly.jpgC4850N-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.