Hopi Second Mesa Ahöl Mana Katsina Doll [SOLD]


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Neil Randall David, Sr., Hopi-Tewa Carver

Ahöl Mana occurs only on Second Mesa villages at the time of the Soyal ceremonies.  She is a standard Kachin Mana except that she comes with Ahöla which by context makes her Ahöl Mana.  She accompanies Ahöla on his rounds to the various kivas and ceremonial houses.

Soyal ceremonies occur each year as the opening of the Katsina season with the arrival of the Solstice or “Return” Katsinas.  Their appearance, after a six-month absence, signals the starting of a new Hopi year, for no other Katsinas may be seen on the mesas until this ritual is completed.  These Katsinas appear after Wuwuchim Ceremony, which is held in late November, and at a precise interval before the winter Solstice. The Wuwuchim is to mark the beginning of the new ceremonial year in the Hopi calendar. In other words, it is like the Hopi Pueblo New Year celebration.

The Soyal Katsinas include Ahöla, Ahöl Mana, Kaletaka, Qöqöle, Mastop. Ahulani, Sakwap Mana (Blue Corn Girl), and Kachin Mana (Yellow Corn Girl).

Ahöl Mana, Sakwap Mana, Kachin Mana and Pachavuin Mana all appear to be the same personage with their name determined by the function they are performing.  They seem identical in appearance.

Condition: this Hopi Second Mesa Ahöl Mana Katsina Doll is in excellent condition

Provenance: Terry Porter

Reference: Kachinas a Hopi Artist’s Documentary by Barton Wright

Neil Randall David, Sr., Hopi-Tewa Carver
C4162K-kachina.jpgC4162K-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.