Large Hopi Polychrome Migration Pattern Jar by Fannie Nampeyo


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Fannie Polacca Nampeyo, Hopi-Tewa Potter

Artist signature of Fannie Polacca Nampeyo, Hopi-Tewa PotterThis impressive large Hopi jar by Fannie Nampeyo features a beautifully executed polychrome migration pattern, a design rich in cultural and spiritual significance. As the youngest daughter of Nampeyo of Hano, Fannie played a crucial role in continuing her mother's legacy and became one of the most recognized Hopi-Tewa potters of the 20th century. Her mid-century work, such as this jar, reflects her expertise in crafting larger vessels with precise painting and balanced compositions.

The migration pattern, made up of interlocking and meandering lines, represents the ancestral journeys of the Hopi people as they moved across the land before settling on the Hopi Mesas. Beyond its physical symbolism, the design is also believed to hold spiritual meaning tied to Hopi cosmology. According to Hopi tradition, the world is currently in its Fourth World, having transitioned through three previous worlds that were destroyed due to imbalance and corruption. The migration pattern reflects this journey, symbolizing movement through time, space, and different planes of existence. Some interpretations suggest it serves as a visual map of the soul's path between dimensions, linking past, present, and future.

Framing lines encircle the jar's shoulder and underbody, a common trait in Nampeyo family pottery, often left unbroken. It has often been stated that Nampeyo of Hano never put ceremonial breaks in bands such as these. Although not always true, it does appear that members of the family often make the lines solid.

This jar is a remarkable example of Fannie Nampeyo's artistry, seamlessly blending tradition, storytelling, and spiritual depth into a masterful work of Hopi pottery. The piece is signed Fannie Nampeyo on the bottom.  Fannie Polacca Nampeyo (1900-1987), was a member of the Corn Clan at Hopi Pueblo.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: This Large Hopi Polychrome Migration Pattern Jar by Fannie Nampeyo is from the estate of an Adobe Gallery client.

Recommended Reading: Nampeyo and Her Pottery by Barbara Kramer

TAGS: Hopi PuebloNampeyo of HanoAnnie Healing NampeyoNellie Nampeyo DoumaThomasElvaTonitaIrisLeahContemporary PotteryFannie Polacca Nampeyo

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.


Fannie Polacca Nampeyo, Hopi-Tewa Potter
C4912D-fannie.jpgC4912D-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.