Historic Kewa Pueblo Polychrome Santo Domingo Water Jar [SOLD]
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- Category: Historic
- Origin: KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 9-½” height x 11” diameter
- Item # C4500A SOLD
The historic Santo Domingo Pueblo pottery jar was beautifully constructed and painted with traditional designs. The body design is the classic black triangles arranged to form geometric features. The shoulder design is a little more unusual for a Santo Domingo potter of the time, probably the 1920s. A chain link design slants at a forty-five-degree angle over an oval cream background. Opposite corners of each design quadrant have black triangles with a curve and an "eye". There are three sets of paired framing lines.
Opinions among collectors differ in relation to repair and restoration of pueblo pottery. Some look at it as a blessing that the jar was rescued from eventual destruction, and others feel that it should be left in the present condition. Regardless of belief, the important aspect is that any restoration and repair be acknowledged. With that in mind, we point out that this jar had three very thin vertical cracks. They are evident in UV examination. They have been professionally repaired and the lines of the cracks have been overpainted, only along each crack. Cracks are not serious faults, but they can lead to further damage.
Condition: as mentioned above, this jar is in wonderful condition with minor repairs to three vertical cracks.
Provenance: this Historic Kewa Pueblo Polychrome Santo Domingo Water Jar is from the collection of a gentleman from Colorado
Recommended Reading: THE POTTERY OF SANTO DOMINGO PUEBLO: A Detailed Study of its Decoration by Kenneth Chapman
Relative Links: Southwest Indian Pottery, Historic Pottery, Kewa Pueblo – Santo Domingo Pueblo, Robert Tenorio
- Category: Historic
- Origin: KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 9-½” height x 11” diameter
- Item # C4500A SOLD
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