Cochiti Pueblo Elaborately Decorated Olla [SOLD]
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- Category: Historic
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 9-1/4” tall x 9-1/2” diameter
- Item # C3632A SOLD
This is a 19th-century Cochiti Pueblo small olla, typical in all technical aspects of manufacture. It has crystalline-rock temper in the paste, rag wiped bentonite slip, a red clay slipped concave underbody with red banding, black rim with red neck interior, and black vegetal paint. It is somewhat primitive in construction with polishing stone marks on the surface and loose application of the cream slip. The interior has not been smoothed as done in later jars made for sale. It is quite likely this was made for pueblo use.
Designs are typical Cochiti designs of rain clouds, lightning, rain, and double bird elements. Application of the four designs was well done with dark black vegetal paint. The jar sits well in an upright position. A beautiful fire cloud is on one side just below mid-point of the body.
Condition: very good condition
Recommended Reading: A River Apart: The Pottery of Cochiti & Santo Domingo Pueblos by Valerie Verzuh, et al. This book is currently not available from Adobe Gallery
Provenance: from the family collection of residents of Arizona
- Category: Historic
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 9-1/4” tall x 9-1/2” diameter
- Item # C3632A SOLD