Polychrome 8-piece Nacimiento Set [SOLD]
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Felicita Eustace, Cochiti Pueblo Potter
- Category: Nacimientos
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: Native Clay
- Size: 5" tallest
- Item # 25123 SOLD
Felecita Eustace has specialized in making pottery figurines most of her career as a potter. She is the sister of Seferina Ortiz, and the wife of Ben Eustace, who was a potter and jeweler originally from Zuni Pueblo. Felecita, in addition to making pottery figurines, also makes jewelry.
The Nacimiento set consists of Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus, and a little boy playing a flute, a small girl, an angel, a sheep and a deer. All of the pieces are beautifully painted and the firing came out extra well. This is an exceptional Nacimiento.
Felicita Eustace, Cochiti Pueblo Potter
Click on image to view larger.
- Category: Nacimientos
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: Native Clay
- Size: 5" tallest
- Item # 25123 SOLD
Click on image to view larger.