Pima Collection

April 06, 2007 until May 04, 2007

A small collection of Pima baskets, pottery, and memorabilia was amassed in the 1900-1905 period by Reverend Josias Friedli. All the items were gifts from Pima Indians near Florence, Arizona, to the Reverend. His family (Aurelia & Marcella Friedli) later donated the items to the Sheboygan County Historical Society, Ohio.

We acquired the entire collection recently and now present it as a group exhibit. The items may be purchased individually as priced or the entire collection may be purchased for $2000, which represents greater than a 15% reduction from individual prices. The Sheboygan County Historical Society Donation Acceptance Form is included with the group but may not be purchased separately, however a copy may be made available to accompany individual item sales.

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