Santo Domingo Necklace with Shells, Turquoise, and Jacla [SOLD]
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- Category: Necklaces
- Origin: KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo
- Medium: shell, turquoise, jet, string
- Size:
29” necklace; 4-½” jacla - Item # C4643.53 SOLD
The Timeless Elegance of Traditional Pueblo Necklaces
The most traditional pueblo necklace is of the style of this one, consisting of several strands of white heishi and a variety of attachments such as turquoise nuggets, coral, shell, jet, or other objects the artisan chose to add. Hanging a pair of *jacla on the necklace completes the ensemble.
This necklace is still strung on string as was traditional in the mid-twentieth century. White shell heishi, with occasional inserts of jet and turquoise heishi, comprises the four strands of the necklace. About every two inches are drilled turquoise and shell embellishments. Some of these are small and others are large. This variety of sizes is a definite artistic asset. The jacla is composed of turquoise with a few shell inserts at the bottom.
Such a necklace is prized by pueblo men and women. Invariably, it is the style necklace seen on most participants at a pueblo ceremonial dance. This style existed a thousand years ago before the introduction of silver jewelry by pueblo artisans.
*Jacla: means ear strings, which were originally made to be worn as earrings. Later, they became an addition to what is considered to be the most traditional form of pueblo necklace.
Condition: very good condition
Provenance: this Santo Domingo Necklace with Shells, Turquoise and Jacla is from a private collection
Recommended Reading: North American Indian Jewelry and Adornment - From Prehistory to the Present by Lois Dubin
TAGS: Southwest Indian Jewelry, KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo, necklace
- Category: Necklaces
- Origin: KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo
- Medium: shell, turquoise, jet, string
- Size:
29” necklace; 4-½” jacla - Item # C4643.53 SOLD
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