Mike Bird-Romero Double Cross Necklace [SOLD]


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Mike Bird-Romero, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Jeweler

Artist hallmark signature of Mike Bird-Romero, Pueblo ArtistThis extraordinary necklace was made by an extraordinary artist. The small handmade silver beads are connected by handmade silver loops. Interspersed in the silver chain loop are small turquoise nuggets. Pendant from the chain and attached to a flat turquoise gemstone is a double-bar silver cross in the shape of a traditional dragonfly cross. The cross is stamped with the artist's bird logo and the initials U.S.

Mike Bird-Romero is a self-taught jeweler who has mastered the techniques of working in silver, gold, and stonework. His jewelry creations are totally hand made. He pours his own ingot silver, makes his own stamps and dies, carves the tufa molds, and cuts stones with precision and polishes them to perfection. His technical mastery is exceptional and commendable.

Among his favorite designs are petroglyph renderings. He and his wife, Allison Bird (author of Heart of the Dragonfly) explored ancestral sites, recording ancient petroglyphs that have inspired some of his designs.

Condition: original condition

Provenance: this Mike Bird-Romero Double Cross Necklace is from the collection of a client who purchased it at the Wheelwright Museum Case Trading Post

Recommended Reading: Heart of the Dragonfly by Allison Bird

TAGS: Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (San Juan)Southwest Indian Jewelry

Alternate close-up view of a section of this necklace.

Mike Bird-Romero, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Jeweler
C4756P-cross.jpgC4756P-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.