Fred Harvey Company Eight Turquoise Gemstone Diné Bracelet with Stamped Designs


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Jeweler Once Known
  • Category: Bracelets
  • Origin: Probably Diné of the Navajo Nation
  • Medium: sterling silver, turquoise
  • Size:
    5-½” inside end-to-end;
    1-5/8" opening; ½” width;
    Wrist Size 7-¼
  • Item # C4178A
  • Price: $950

This Fred Harvey Company Diné Bracelet with Stamped Designs is a single silver band with scallops on both edges.  Floating on top of the silver band are eight beautiful green turquoise gemstones that are each encased in a silver bezel.  Between each gemstone are two silver drops.  At each end of the row of gemstones is a larger silver drop.

The ends of the bracelet are stamped with crossed arrows and the Zia sun symbol.  Both designs were chosen to appeal to a client who wanted something with definite Indian symbols as a souvenir of a visit to Indian Country.  The fact that the bracelet was made to be sold is in no way detrimental to its value or desirability.  It is a traditional Diné bracelet with beautiful turquoise gemstones and stamped designs.

It is always intriguing to encounter an item with a label attached that has some information but is no longer discernible.  We can only wonder what information was so important as to include a paper label on the inside of this bracelet.  From all appearances, it is a Fred Harvey Company creation, made by a Diné artist for the company, as was their procedure.  The Fred Harvey Company provided materials to artisans and paid them for their labor.


Condition: original condition

Provenance: this Fred Harvey Company Eight Turquoise Gemstone Diné Bracelet with Stamped Designs is from the collection of a client from Texas

Recommended Reading: DREAM TRACKS—The Railroad and the American Indian 1890-1930 by T. C. McLuhan

TAGS: BraceletNavajoSouthwest Indian Jewelry

Jeweler Once Known
  • Category: Bracelets
  • Origin: Probably Diné of the Navajo Nation
  • Medium: sterling silver, turquoise
  • Size:
    5-½” inside end-to-end;
    1-5/8" opening; ½” width;
    Wrist Size 7-¼
  • Item # C4178A
  • Price: $950

C4178A-bracelet.jpgC4178A-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.