Pottery of the Pueblos of New Mexico 1700-1940 by Jonathan Batkin [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # 0916537099
- Date Published: Softcover, color and black & white photos, 1987
- Size: 216 pages SOLD
Pottery of the Pueblos of New Mexico 1700-1940
by Jonathan Batkin
This catalog interprets a large and important public collection of historic New Mexico Pueblo pottery through the study of slipped or slipped and painted wares from pueblos still occupied. Pueblos abandoned since 1700, such as Galisteo and Pecos, are excluded, but an exception is made for Pojoaque, which was abandoned temporarily in the twentieth century. Pottery of the Hopi villages of Arizona and undecorated culinary wares are not described. Selected examples from the Taylor Museum illustrate this catalog wherever possible. The collection consists of approximately 600 historic ceramics, primarily of the period 1880 to 1940, and includes some of the finest examples known.
Selected examples from the Taylor Museum illustrate this catalog wherever possible. The collection consists of approximately 600 historic ceramics, primarily of the period 1880 to 1940, and includes some of the finest examples known.
This book represents the first systematic study of New Mexico pueblo pottery during the period of radical change. In order to place the ceramic tradition in perspective, many important resources available to scholars were consulted. This is a comprehensive academic study of historic pueblo pottery.
Note from AL: This book is very scarce, quite difficult to come by, and truly an invaluable resource for the study of Historic Pueblo pottery.
Table of Contents
The Tewa Pueblos
Early Historic Period
San Ildefonso
San Juan (Ohkay Owingeh)
Santa Clara
The Keres Pueblos
Northeast Keres Pueblos
Santo Domingo (Kewa)
San Felipe
Puname Pueblos
Zuni Pueblo
Jemez Pueblo
The Tiwa Pueblos
Taos and Picuris
References Cited
- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # 0916537099
- Date Published: Softcover, color and black & white photos, 1987
- Size: 216 pages SOLD
- The Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
- Colorado Springs, CO