CLAY MIRROR From Monos to Storytellers [SOLD]

CLAY MIRROR From Monos to Storytellers Reflections from Cochiti Pueblo
The Tom & Charlotte Mittler Collection
First edition, hardback, shrinkwrapped, $40
Collector’s Reflections by Charlotte Mittler
Origins: Clay, Storytellers, and Friendships by Bob Kapoun
Making Monos: An Evolving Tradition by Virgil Ortiz
Monos & Roly-Polies; Marvelous Monos: Ancient Idols, Carnival Dolls, or Caricatures? by Robert V. Gallegos
Animals: From Coyotes to Mermaids: Animals Familiar & Exotic in Cochiti Pottery by Marianne Kapoun
Storytellers & More; Telling Tales: How the Storyteller Figurine Found its Voice by Alexander E. Anthony, Jr.
Artists Biographies