Black Bear with Fish in Paw and Cub on her Back [SOLD]
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- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 3-1/8” height x 3-3/4” length x 1-3/4” width
- Item # C3688.57 SOLD
Dorothy Herrera formed a very realistic storyteller figurine of a mama bear with her cub. The multitasking female bear has also captured a fish in her left paw! Her single cub is riding on her back. He is watching her intently - learning how to be a successful hunter.
Cochiti Pueblo potter Dorothy Herrera is the granddaughter of Laurencita Herrera and daughter of Mary Frances Herrera. She has been making pottery, mostly storytellers, since the 1980s.
Condition: original condition
Recommended Reading: The Pueblo Storyteller by Barbara Babcock
Provenance: from the collection of a family from Corrales, New Mexico
- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 3-1/8” height x 3-3/4” length x 1-3/4” width
- Item # C3688.57 SOLD