Oil Painting “Cottonwoods in Autumn” [SOLD]


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Carl Von Hassler, Southwest Painter
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: oil on paper
  • Size: 4-1/2” x 6” image
  • Item # C3647
  • SOLD

This is a small oil painting by Carl Von Hassler that was painted as a gift “To my dear friends Mr. & Mrs. G. Henderson.”  The artist drew a frame around the painting, in pencil, and wrote the dedication to the Hendersons below the lower edge of the painting.  As currently seen, the mat covers the artist’s hand-drawn frame and the dedication remarks.  The mat could be enlarged should someone wish to display the hand-drawn frame and dedication line.


On the back of the painting, the artist wrote the following: “Cottonwoods in Autumn” by Von Hassler – 1952. Region – Velarde Valley near Taos Junction. 


Carl Von Hassler (1887-1969) signatureThe painting is a typical Von Hassler workbeautiful large cottonwood trees, purple mountain in the background and adobe houses and red roofsignature items seen in most of his art.  The painting is signed in lower left.  It is the smallest painting by Von Hassler of which I am aware.  It has all the fine qualities of his larger masterpieces.


On the first of June 2015, a documentary “Painting Albuquerque” was aired on PBS in which most of the early Albuquerque artists were portrayed and, of course, Von Hassler was among those featured.


Condition:  very good condition

Recommended Reading: Masters of Western Art by Mary Nelson

Provenance: from the collection of an Albuquerque family

Carl Von Hassler, Southwest Painter
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: oil on paper
  • Size: 4-1/2” x 6” image
  • Item # C3647
  • SOLD

C3647-paint.jpgc3647-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.