Hopi Pueblo Navan (Velvet Shirt) Katsina Doll [SOLD]
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- Category: Traditional
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: Cottonwood, fabric, feathers, ribbon, beads
- Size: 9-5/8” tall
- Item # C3421.15 SOLD
It is believed that the Navan Katsina originated at the Village of Moencopi on Third Mesa sometime after 1900. He is a very colorful Katsina with his velvet shirt and colorful ribbons. He represents the blooming of plant life and the beauty of life, as illustrated by the flowers on his head. His songs are prayers for rain to sustain life.
This carving was very well made. The skirt has folds and the feet turn upward slightly. The velvet shirt is adorned with ribbons and a tubular bead necklace hangs around the neck. An excellent array of feathers adorns the head. He carries a rattle in one hand and a bow in the other.
A metal stand has been provided for support but the doll may be hung from the string around its neck. It appears to be pre-1960s based.
Condition: He is in very good condition, with no evidence of damage.
Provenance: from the collection of a California gentleman
Recommended Reading: Following the Sun and Moon: Hopi Kachina Tradition by Alph H. Secakuku
- Category: Traditional
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: Cottonwood, fabric, feathers, ribbon, beads
- Size: 9-5/8” tall
- Item # C3421.15 SOLD