Kewa Pueblo Storage Jars

October 22, 2010 until December 01, 2010

Potters at Kewa Pueblo have been recognized as having always made pottery of the highest quality. Not much pottery was being made prior to 1880, primarily only what was needed for household use. Following the arrival of the continental trains in 1880, production increased because the trains made daily stops at the new train stop at the pueblo. According to published reports, the quality remained high even on items made for sale to the travelers.

Kewa Pueblo potters made useable pottery for their own homes, for the residents of other pueblos and for Spanish residents of Santa Fe and other regional towns. Storage jars of small to medium size were popular with such buyers.

We are pleased to publish a small collection of Kewa Pueblo storage jars in this Special Exhibit. Let us know if you have any questions regarding these or if you have interest in any.

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