Circles of Life: Katsina Imagery on Hopi Wicker Basketry

Judith and Andrew Finger
- Subject: Native American Basketry
- Item # 0-9740300-1-5
- Date Published: 2006/12/01
- Size: 104 pages SOLD
From the Back Cover:
While Hopi people are well known for their skill and artistry in creating ceramics, jewelry, and most especially, katsina dolls, little attention has been paid to Hopi wicker basketry, and even less to the use of katsina imagery on this medium. As [the] authors
Judith and Andrew Finger
Click on image to view larger.
- Subject: Native American Basketry
- Item # 0-9740300-1-5
- Date Published: 2006/12/01
- Size: 104 pages SOLD
- Grace Hudson Museum & Sun House
- Ukiah, CA