SOUTHWESTERN POTTERY Anasazi to Zuni (First Edition Softcover)[SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # 0-87358-656-5
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, 1996
- Size: 188 pages SOLD
Southwestern Pottery: Anasazi to Zuni
Allan Hayes and John Blom
Publisher: Northland Publishing
Softcover, first edition, 1996.
Size: 188 pages
Photographs by John Blom
Foreword by Alexander E. Anthony, Jr.
Southwestern Pottery may be the most entertaining book you read this year. It's an art book, a history book, and a reference book that is fun to read and beautiful to look at. Showing more than eleven hundred pots, there isn't a more complete Southwestern pottery guide: One hundred and forty color photographs show, as nearly as possible, "one of each."
Tracing the art from its beginnings almost two thousand years ago to the present and showing pieces from every pottery producing tribal group in the Southwest-Yuman to Hopi to Taos to Casas Grandes-it is the book the authors wished they had when the pottery bug first bit them. With humor and plenty of good sense, Al Hayes and John Blom explain what to look for when buying a pot, how much to pay, and when and how to trade.
This book is the result of an impossible quest by the authors to find one of each-an example of every type from every pottery-making Pueblo and tribe within their definition of the Southwest, a land that extends from the California coast across Arizona and New Mexico and into northern Mexico. What they learned as they searched proved so fascinating that they felt compelled to tell others about it, and they wrote this book.
- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # 0-87358-656-5
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, 1996
- Size: 188 pages SOLD
- Northland Press
- Flagstaff, AZ