Spirits in the Art: From the Plains and Southwest Indian Cultures [SOLD]

- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # C3809R
- Date Published: 1994
- Size: 261 pages SOLD
SPIRITS IN THE ART: From the Plains and Southwest Cultures
By James. A. Hanson - Autographed
Publisher The Lowell Press, Kansas City, 1994
Hardback with slip cover, first edition, 1994, 262 pages, profusely illustrated in color
Part One: What Do We Know of the Past?
Part Two: People of the Plains
1. Soldiers and Spirits: The Plains Indian Man
2. The Person Made Magic and Beautiful
3. Feathers and Headdresses
4. Smoking
5. The Next Generation
6. Teaching Tools
7. White Man Things
Part Three: People of the Southwest
8. San Lazaro
9. Asking the Spirits for Help
10. Turkey Stones and Dragonflies
11. The World of the Panther
12. Flexibility Means Survival
13. Solving the Riddle
14. Saxony Serapes and Germantown Eyedazzlers
Part Four: Corn Planters and Tree Dwellers
Part Five: The Rim of the Universe
From the Jacket
Over 900 objects are illustrated in 264 color plates. The collection, assembled over 50 years by noted art dealer Forrest Fenn and his father, contains never-before seen works of Plains and Southwest Indian Art. The objects include the largest collection extant of Kiowa and Comanche footwear and strike-a-light bags, 12,000-year-old cache of Clovis Man spear points, unique artifacts, from long abandoned San Lazaro Pueblo, and a large assemblage of plains and southwestern beaded and quilled objects.
Included with this book is the price list from when Nedra Matteucci’s Fenn Galleries had many of these items for sale. Asking prices ranged from $1200 to $36,000.
- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # C3809R
- Date Published: 1994
- Size: 261 pages SOLD