The Papago Indians And Their Basketry [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Basketry
- Item # C4376ZA
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition 1979
- Size: 49 pages, illustrated SOLD
The Papago Indians and Their Basketry
Text and photography by Terry DeWald
Softcover, first edition 1979, 49 pages, illustrated
From the Foreword
The history of the Papago Tribe, since the coming of the Whites, has been one of irony. Though generally a people who tried to co-exist peaceably with the Anglo settlers, they were among the last to receive the right to vote (1949), the last to receive a reservation (1906) and the last to receive the mineral rights to their own land (1959).
The Papagos are among the least known of the Southwestern Indian tribes. In this book, Mr. DeWald provides the reader with some background and insights to one of the oldest traditional desert tribes, a tribe that for centuries has been able to quietly exist in an environment that Western Man, in less than a half century, is on the verge of depleting of its natural resources.
Here, then, is the story of the Papago, People of the Desert.
Relative Links: Tohono O´odham, Papago, Native American Baskets
- Subject: Native American Basketry
- Item # C4376ZA
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition 1979
- Size: 49 pages, illustrated SOLD