BLACK RANGE TALES Chronicling Sixty Years of Life and Adventure in the Southwest [SOLD]
- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C3713K
- Date Published: 1936. This Rio Grande Press edition published in 1969
- Size: 300 pages SOLD
BLACK RANGE TALES Chronicling Sixty Years of Life and Adventure in the Southwest
By James A. McKenna (“Uncle Jimmie”)
First edition published by Wilson-Erickson, Inc. New York, 1936
This Rio Grande Press, Inc. edition published in 1969
Hardback, 308 pages, illustrated with numerous woodcuts by Howard Simon
Excellent condition, never read
“Uncle Jimmie” McKenna lived a lifetime in the great Southwest according to his friend W. J. (Oxy Bill) Hamlett of Silver City, New Mexico. Oxy Bill said that McKenna worked for a while on the Mississippi River boats, but they were too tame. He came west, finally, and started prospecting around the Black Range for gold and silver, or anything else he could find. Uncle Jimmie, as a young man, lived the vigorous outdoor life of all young men those days. He did a little herd riding, lots of hunting, some mining, trapping and exploring. Naturally, he sowed some wild oats, but never enough to get married. He was a bachelor, and liked it that way.
Oxy Bill and Uncle Jimmie put together notes on their experiences and those notes eventually ended up being the source for this book.
- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C3713K
- Date Published: 1936. This Rio Grande Press edition published in 1969
- Size: 300 pages SOLD
- The Rio Grande Press [NO LONGER IN BUSINESS]
- Glorieta, NM