By Joe Williams
Publisher: Frank Phillips Foundation, Bartlesville
The Heritage: Frank Phillips Ranch
Wildlife Refuge
Woods, Lakes, Rocks
Woolaroc Art Museum
Woolaroc is a haven as romantic and rustic as the woods, lakes, and rocks from which it takes its name. Woolaroc is still largely an undiscovered American treasure.
In the early 1920s, Woolaroc began as the ranch retreat of oilman Frank Phillips, founder of Phillips Petroleum Company. Located in Northeastern Oklahoma, 45 miles from Tulsa, it was his 3,600-acre western showplace where he razzle-dazzled thousands of East Coast bankers, industrialists and politicians.
Today, Woolaroc has something for everyone. The art museum is a 40,000 square-foot feast of heritage that includes important works of art by some of the premier Indian and Western artists in America’s history: Moran, Remington, Russell, Leigh, Johnson, Couse, Sharp, and scores of others. It has one of the finest collections of Navajo blankets in the United States among its 10,000 works of art and artifacts.