Who’s Who in Indian Relics No. 7 [SOLD]
- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # C4288E
- Date Published: Hard back, first edition 1988
- Size: 371 pages, autographed SOLD
Who’s Who in Indian Relics No. 7
Editor and Publisher: Ben W. Thompson
Hard back, first edition 1988, 371 pages, autographed to Al Anthony from Ben Thompson, very good condition
From the Author
“The primary purpose of this book, as with the previous issues, is to picture as many prominent Indian relic collectors and their collections as possible for posterity. We hope by doing so that we will achieve two other benefits also, which are, to acquaint you with other collectors and cement a true bond of friendship with them, and secondly, to publish a book that you will enjoy and cherish for years to come.”
There are over 175 dealers and collectors who share their collection in this volume. Half the book is in four-color and half in black-and-white illustrations. Names you will recognize Marti Cusick (Struever), John Barry, Ray and Peggy Belcher, and others.