WALK QUIETLY THE BEAUTIFUL TRAIL Lyrics and Legends of the American Indian [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # C3877i
- Date Published: 1973 First edition, hardback with slip cover
- Size: 61 pages SOLD
WALK QUIETLY THE BEAUTIFUL TRAIL Lyrics and Legends of the American Indian
Edited by C. Merton Babcock
With American Indian Art Illustrations
Hallmark Inc. 1973 First edition, hardback with slip cover, 61 pages
Walk Quietly the Beautiful Trail is the Indian’s celebration of himself and his world. Here are echoes from a wilderness wonderland—rainbow colors reflected in the corn, buffalo roaming on the open prairie, the melodious song of the bluebird as he wakes the sun at dawn.
The text is a compilation of songs, poems and legends from many tribes.
Apache Crown Dance by Allan Houser, 1953, Apache
Father Sky and Mother Earth, Edmund Tracey, Navajo
Indian Horses by Calvin Vigil, Jicarilla Apache
Waayata (Sioux Seer) by Oscar Howe, 1952, Sioux
Harvest Dance, Awa Tsireh, San Ildefonso
Her First Dance by Pablita Velarde, Santa Clara
Buffalo and Deer Dance by Tonita Pena, Cochiti
Sioux Eagle Dancer by Oscar Howe, Sioux
Medicine Bundle Offering by Dick West, Cheyenne
Navajo Patient by Beatien Yazz, Navajo
Shalako and Mudhead by Awa Tsireh, 1920s, San Ildefonso
Peyote Singers by Quayavema, 1940s, Hopi
Choctaw Ball Dancers by Terry Saul, 1951, Choctaw
Pictograph Altar by Joe Herrera, 1952, Cochiti