WA SHE SHU: A Washo Tribal History [SOLD]

- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C3846i
- Date Published: Hardcover, first edition 1976
- Size: 120 pages, illustrated with maps and historic photographs SOLD
WA SHE SHU: A Washo Tribal History
Jo Ann Nevers
Published by Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Reno
Hardcover, first edition 1976, 120 pages, illustrated with maps and historic photographs
Wa She Shu E Deh (Washo Lands)
Geh Sha (Washo Life)
Weh Hai Ge Ge A (Washo Traditions)
Da Gashu Weti (White Faces)
The Destruction of the Land
The Pine Nut Lands
The Twentieth Century
“The complete history of the Washo remains to be researched and written. This book, written partially from interviews with knowledgeable tribal members, tries to show our way of life before the white man came. Many distinct features help to make up our culture; gifted basketmakers, the wisdom of long-preserved legends, and the traditional way of life are only a few of these. With this background, the reader can better understand the devastating impact white civilization had on our people. We were a peaceful people who never fought the whites and were granted no treaty. After the white men took our lands, we struggled to preserve our way of life.”
Condition: new condition