The Four Winds Guide to Indian Trade Goods and Replicas [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # C3826C
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, 1998
- Size: 192 pages, profusely illustrated in color SOLD
The Four Winds Guide to Indian Trade Goods and Replicas
By Preston E. Miller and Carolyn Corey
Published by: Schiffer Publishing, Inc.
Softcover, first edition, 1998. 192 pages, profusely illustrated in color
“The American Indian collectibles in this book include authentic trade goods, stone artifacts, photographs, trade beads, frontier and military related items, and replicas made by contemporary craftspeople. The range of items in each category is comprehensive, numbering over 1000 artifacts, and the detailed descriptions provide much useful information for both sellers and collectors. All the values reflect actual auction estimates and results.”
I. Stone Relics & Ethnographic Collectibles
II. Trade Goods
III. Trade Beads
IV. Frontier Goods
V. Military Goods of the Indian Wars Period
VI. Photos, Prints & Papergoods
Introduction to Replicas
VII. Reproductions of Traditional Indian Art
- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # C3826C
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, 1998
- Size: 192 pages, profusely illustrated in color SOLD