TEWA SA’WE and TEWA SAE’WE Volume 2 - Contemporary and Traditional Pottery [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Pottery
- Item # C4210R
- Date Published: Vol. 1 = 1983, Vol. 2 = 1986
- Size: 2 - Volume SET of 20 pages each. SOLD
Two Volume Set of Contemporary and Traditional Pottery, featuring photographs of listed artists, samples of their pottery, and a family tree of their heritage.
Each volume is softcover and contains 20 pages.
TEWA SA’WE and TEWA SAE’WE Volume 2 - Contemporary and Traditional Pottery
Edited by Jose ‘Ray’ Naranjo
Table of Contents (volume 1) 1983
Art of Making Pottery
Eugene Gutierrez
Celestina Naranjo
Madeline Naranjo
Paul Naranjo
Juan Tafoya
Roy & Stella Tanner
Ramona Tapia
Carol Velarde
Table of Contents (volume 2) 1986
Rosemary Lonewolf
Corn Moquino
Geraldine (Geri) Naranjo
Joseph Clifford Naranjo
Joseph Gene Naranjo
Stephanie Naranjo
Frances Siow
Paul Speckled Rock