The Great Southwest of the Fred Harvey Company and the Santa Fe Railway [SOLD]

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  • Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
  • Item # 0-934351-49-x
  • Date Published: 1996
  • Size: 256 - Illustrated
  • SOLD

The Great Southwest of the Fred Harvey Company and the Santa Fe Railway - a partnership

Edited by Marta Weigle and Barbara A, Babcock

Publisher: The Heard Museum, Phoenix, 1996


From the Preface

"Few stories in American business history are as instructive and entertaining as the Harvey/Santa Fe partnership. By the late nineteenth century, railroads were the largest industry in the United States, and the Santa Fe achieved dominance along its routes by an astute combination of relentless marketing and reliable service. To the Santa Fe's already formidable strengths, the Fred Harvey Company added the development of a disciplined and distinctive chain of restaurants, hotels, and tourism experiences, as well as its own keen sense of promotion and marketing. Its leaders included a remarkable number of self-made entrepreneurs including Fred Harvey himself, his fellow immigrant and Indian department impresario Herman Schweizer, and the company's architect and decorator Mary Colter.

"This book has been produced in connection with the exhibit ‘Inventing the Southwest: The Fred Harvey Company and Native American Art.'"


  • Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
  • Item # 0-934351-49-x
  • Date Published: 1996
  • Size: 256 - Illustrated
  • SOLD

book-fred-harvey-sf-railway.jpgfred-harvey-sf-railway-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.