Rainbow to Yesterday: The John and Louisa Wetherill Story [SOLD]

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Mary Apolline Comfort
  • Subject: Southwest
  • Item # C3459R
  • Date Published: 1980
  • Size: 209 pages
  • SOLD

Rainbow to Yesterday is the fascinating story of the development of the wilderness area of northern Arizona.  It pays much deserved tribute to John and Louisa Wetherill for their vital role in that development in the early part of the 20th century.  The first and possibly the finest ancient ruin to be discovered was that of Mesa Verde in the southwest corner of Colorado.  This triggered John’s interest in searching for more ruins of the Ancient Ones.  He was instrumental in discovering Betatakin, Inscription House and Kiet Siel ruins in northern Arizona, and natural wonderRainbow Bridgeacross the line in Utah.



Louisa Wetherill as a lecturer and scholar helped spread the story of the Navajo Indian to fascinated audiences wherever she spoke.  The historical achievement of these two pioneers has heretofore only been given, at best, sketchy attention.  This is the first thorough study of the Wetherills’ work ever published.  It endeavors to round out their lives and that of their son, Ben, as the first white traders on the vast expanse of Navajo land; their cordial relationship with, and interest in, the welfare of the Navajos; John’s amazing archeological contributions; Louisa’s study of Navajo ceremonialism and her collection of legends and herbs.  They were pioneers awakening a wilderness land to meet the outside world.  It also recreates the days when the Wetherills’ Kayenta Lodge was visited by Teddy Roosevelt, Zane Grey, scientists, artists and many other notables, even movie companies anxious to enjoy the warm hospitality and explore the natural wonders of the land.  This story, like the legendary bridge, is a rainbow to yesterday.

Mary Apolline Comfort
  • Subject: Southwest
  • Item # C3459R
  • Date Published: 1980
  • Size: 209 pages
  • SOLD

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