THE PUEBLO PEOPLE Their Revolt, Their Heritage, Their Tricentennial [SOLD]

- Subject: The Pueblo Indians
- Item # C4288ZB
- Date Published: Published in El Palacio, Magazine, Winter 1980-81, Vol. 86, No 4
- Size: 48 pages SOLD
THE PUEBLO PEOPLE Their Revolt, Their Heritage, Their Tricentennial
Published in El Palacio, Magazine of the Museum of New Mexico
Winter 1980-81, Vol. 86, No 4
Articles Included
Maria: The Right Woman at the Right Time by Betty Toulouse
Maria Martinez kept her appointment with fate, and enriched the world
Signed in Clay by Richard L. Spivey
One of Maria's biographers recounts her achievements through her signature
The Great Pueblo Revolt
A Special Section examines the roots and results of the 1680 uprising and the impact of its Tricentennial observance
Why Did It Happen? Marc Simmons
Esteban Clemente: Precursor of the Revolt John L. Kessel
Popay's Leadership: A Pueblo Perspective Alfonso Ortiz
Images from the Tricentennial Nancy Hunter Warren
The Tricentennial Year in Pueblo Consciousness Herman Agoyo
But Were They All Natives? Thomas Chavez
A Chronology of the Pueblo Revolt
Origins of the Magical Matachines Dance by Flavia Champe
An enchanting cross-cultural performance with beginnings as elusive as its meaning
Future Motor Fuels (1922) by John D. Clark
Pages of an old El Palacio reveal prophetic view of an Albuquerque chemist