- Subject: Native American Basketry
- Item # C3486P
- Date Published: First Edition - Undated (circa 1914)
- Size: 125 pages; illustrated
- Price: $55
PRACTICAL BASKET MAKING (New Edition, Enlarged and Revised with New Illustrations) by George Wharton James
Publisher: George Wharton James, Pasadena, Undated (circa 1914)
For some years interest has been growing in the subject of Indian Basketry. White women have learned to appreciate these artistic creations of the aboriginal women’s brain and fingers, and with the appreciation has come the creative desire to make something akin to her work. Hence for the past few years the art of fine basket weaving has become a distinctly American occupation. It has also been introduced into the schools of the country with great success. Children thoroughly enjoy the work and thereby their creative powers are called upon as well as digital and manual dexterity grained.
In this book I have presented a course of lessons in the varied materials, which, if followed, will enable the tyro to make useful and beautiful baskets, etc. (The book) lays no claim to teaching everything that is to be known of the art, for such a claim would be preposterous. It does claim, however, to teach practically what the basket weaver wishes to know. George Wharton James
Hardback, Undated, circa 1914. 124 numbered pages, numerous photographs and illustrations.
Condition: fabric covers in good condition except for tear on top of spine. Interior pages in very good condition.
- Subject: Native American Basketry
- Item # C3486P
- Date Published: First Edition - Undated (circa 1914)
- Size: 125 pages; illustrated
- Price: $55