Pablita Velarde and Helen Hardin Museum Guides [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Easel Art
- Item # C4288B
- Date Published: 1999 and 2013
- Size: Two Museum Guides SOLD
Pablita Velarde Museum of Indian Women in the Arts Present Helen Hardin: A Straight Line Curved
June1 to September 30, 2013
Softcover, 14 pages, 33 color illustrations of artist’s works.
Original Woman: The Changing Traditions of Helen Hardin, Pablita Velarde, Margarete Bagshaw-Tindel
Museum of New Mexico, Museum of Indian arts & Culture, Laboratory of Anthropology, February 14 to May 30, 1999
Softcover, 8 pages, significant text on the three artists.
These two museum exhibition guides provide significant text and pictures of art by this famous family of artists.