Native American Wisdom - Navajo, Hopi, Lakota [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # C3826G
- Date Published: First edition, hardback, slip cover, 1994
- Size: Three Volume Set - 192 pages - beautiful photographs SOLD
Native American Wisdom - Navajo, Hopi, Lakota
By Terry P. Wilson
Publisher: Chronicle Books
First edition, hardback, slip cover, 1994
Note: since the three volumes are in a slipcase and still shrink wrapped, we are unable to provide information on contents of each volume relating to number of pages, illustrations, etc.
Description: Three volume set in fine slipcase. New. Never read, still shrink wrapped.
The three volumes are:
HOPI Following the Path of Peace
NAVAJO Walking in Beauty
LAKOTA Seeking the Great Spirit
From ancient rites enabling one to "walk in beauty" and harmony with the natural world to the dances, chants, and rituals representative of Navajo ceremonial life, this thoughtful and strikingly illustrated volume encompasses the essential elements of Navajo culture.
- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # C3826G
- Date Published: First edition, hardback, slip cover, 1994
- Size: Three Volume Set - 192 pages - beautiful photographs SOLD