A NEW LIGHT ON TIFFANY Clara Driscoll and the Tiffany Girls [SOLD]

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  • Subject: Arts and Crafts Movement
  • Item # C4359V
  • Date Published: Softcover, first edition 2007
  • Size: 200 pages, beautifully illustrated, excellent condition.
  • SOLD

A NEW LIGHT ON TIFFANY Clara Driscoll and the Tiffany Girls

By Eidelberg, Gray and Hofer

The New York Historical Society, New York, in association with D. Giles Limited. London

Softcover, first edition 2007. 200 pages, beautifully illustrated, excellent condition.

Note from the Director

“This volume and exhibition provide an entirely new contest for understanding and interpreting the Society’s great Tiffany collection, one of the world’s largest holdings of Tiffany lamps.  In 1984 the pioneering Tiffany collector Dr. Egon Neustadt donated 132 lamps to the New York Historical Society.  Since then the Tiffany collection has been a magnet for visitors and a resource for scholars.  This volume, we believe, extends this dual tradition.  Based on the information contained here, we have now been able to attribute many of our Tiffany lamps to a single designer: Clara Driscoll.  We have also gained a far greater understanding of the context in which all of Tiffany’s lamps were produced.

“Clara Driscoll’s vivid descriptions of her work and her colleagues constitute the only known first-person account of the day-to-day activities of Tiffany Studios.  This goldmine of information, contained in her letters to her family, has transformed our understanding of the design and manufacture of Tiffany objects, including lamps, windows, and mosaics.  Equally important, her account has revealed the crucial role played by women at the firm, identifying many women employees whose significant contributions as artists have gone unacknowledged until now.”

  • Subject: Arts and Crafts Movement
  • Item # C4359V
  • Date Published: Softcover, first edition 2007
  • Size: 200 pages, beautifully illustrated, excellent condition.
  • SOLD

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