INDIAN WOMEN - Thirteen Who Played a Part in the History of America from Earliest Days to Now [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American: General
- Item # C3846G
- Date Published: 1964 - First Edition, Hardback with slip cover
- Size: 169 pages SOLD
Thirteen Who Played a Part in the History of America from Earliest Days to Now
Publisher: David McKay Company, Inc. New York, 1964
First Edition, Hardback with slip cover, 169 pages
The thirteen Indian women presented to readers in this collection of biographical sketches have all played important roles in American history. Some have ruled their tribes, some have produced great art and literature, and all have been dedicated to peace and human rights for all people.
In their dedication, each one faced and overcame hardships with courage and plain hard work. At times, all of them stumbled or seemed lost but in them was a determination and power which will keep them in the history of the American way of life.
Big Eyes: She made a map
Pocahontas: Friend of the colonists
Sacajawea: The guiding hand
Winema: Peace parley princess
Cynthia Ann Parker: She bridged a gap
Sarah Winnemucca: Paiute peace maker
Indian Emily: The girl who saved a garrison
Dat-So-La-Lee: Magi fingers
Tomassa: Spirit of humanness
Neosho: Pestles versus pistols
Maria Martinez: The big work
Annie Dodge Wanneka: Navajo council woman
Pablita Velarde: A symbol of transition
- Subject: Native American: General
- Item # C3846G
- Date Published: 1964 - First Edition, Hardback with slip cover
- Size: 169 pages SOLD