A Guide to Indian Jewelry, Baskets, Silver, Pottery, Rugs, Beadwork, Kachinas and Turquoise [SOLD]

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Author Unknown
  • Subject: Native American Art
  • Item # C4210E
  • Date Published: First edition, softcover 1975.
  • Size: 35 color pages with 150 photographs
  • SOLD

A Guide to Indian Jewelry, Baskets, Silver, Pottery, Rugs, Beadwork, Kachinas and Turquoise. This book was designed to introduce you to the various arts and crafts of the Southwest Indians.  For over a quarter of a century, we have had the pleasure of working behind the counter in both Arizona and New Mexico and have been able to gain an insight and most of all, appreciation of these craftsmen.  The beauty of this creative art has finally been acclaimed as one of the world’s foremost forms of art. This has stimulated world wide interest, also many questions as each Indian tribe has its own unique form and is easily recognized.  The questions asked of us by so many people brought us to the realization that much information was desired. Hence, we have endeavored to establish a foundation for recognizing the different types of arts and crafts that each Indian tribe is noted for and have set up this guide.  We realize that not by any stretch of the imagination could we cover all types of crafts, nor is this meant to give intricate details, since we feel that by getting too involved would create confusion to those who are taking their first look at the many different types of arts and crafts that exist.


A Guide to Indian Jewelry, Baskets, Silver, Pottery, Rugs, Beadwork, Kachinas and Turquoise

By Herman & Phyllis Atkinson

Over 150 full-color photographs of authentic Indian arts & crafts, 35 pages fully illustrated in color. First edition, softcover 1975.

Author Unknown
  • Subject: Native American Art
  • Item # C4210E
  • Date Published: First edition, softcover 1975.
  • Size: 35 color pages with 150 photographs
  • SOLD

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