Zuniga The Complete Graphics 1972-1984 [SOLD]

- Subject: Mexican Arts & Culture
- Item # C2639.18
- Date Published: First edition, hardback with slipcover, 1984
- Size: 245 pages, over 140 illustrations (100 in full color) SOLD
Zuniga The Complete Graphics 1972-1984
Author: Jerry Brewster
Publisher: Alpine Fine Arts Collection, Ltd., New York
First edition, hardback with slipcover, 1984
245 pages, over 140 illustrations (100 in full color)
Introduction by Jerry Brewster
The Graphics of Francisco Zuñiga by Burt Chernow
Interview with Francisco Zuñiga by Burt Chernow
Catalog of Prints by Jerry Brewster
Chronological Listing of Plates
Alphabetical Listing of Plates
Exhibition Lists
Honors and Prizes
"An artist who has won international acclaim, Francisco Zuñiga has long pursued an independent course, creating works of power, vitality and seriousness. This monograph is the first complete study of an important body of lithographs by one of the Americas' foremost artists.
"Born in Costa Rica, Zuñiga has lived in Mexico since 1936. First working exclusively in sculpture and drawing, his interests have gradually grown to include involvement with the lithographic medium. Represented in museums throughout the world, Zuñiga has been an example to many younger artists. He has described his work as ‘an attempt to find through the archetype of the eternal feminine . . . an interior life . . . a relation to reality with the power to move.'"