E. IRVING COUSE 1866 - 1936 [SOLD]
- Subject: Western Artists
- Item # C4210J
- Date Published: First edition, 1975, hardcover
- Size: Limited edition of 3,000, signed by author. New condition. SOLD
Eanger Irving Couse was one of the original six charter members of the Taos Society of Artists, he first visited Taos in June of 1902 on the recommendation of Blumenschein. In 1928, Couse gave up his New York City studio and settled permanently in Taos, New Mexico. Couse became an important painter, bringing recognition to the Taos community and its Indian heritage. His compositions gave a true picture of some phase of Indian life.
- from Adobe Gallery biography page.
Source of artist image: Wikipedia.
E. IRVING COUSE 1866 - 1936
By Nicholas Woloshuk
Notes by K. W. Couse
Publisher: Santa Fe Village Art Museum, Santa Fe
First edition, 1975, hardcover. Limited edition of 3,000, signed by author. New condition.
Mr. Couse Tells of Indian Models
Lunette Murals
Eanger Irving Couse
European Paintings
The Couses in Oregon
E. I. Couse in Taos
Firelights and Other Paintings
The Indian Flute
Religious and Sacred Rituals
Indian Weaving
Taos Indian Hunters
Indian Women
Indian Courtships
Little Jewels
The Call of the Flute
Arizona Paintings
The Captive
Religious Paintings
A Painter of Taos Indians
Field Sketches by E. I. Couse
The Wedding Ceremony
Selected Works of E. I. Couse
Klikitat Portraits
Santa Fe Railroad Company Calendars
American Lithographic Company Calendars
Eanger Irving Couse, N.A.
List of Color Plates