CHIHULY’S PENDLETONS and Their Influence on his Work [SOLD]

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Dale Chihuly
  • Subject: Native American Textiles
  • Item # C4288J
  • Date Published: Hardback, slip cover, first edition 2000
  • Size: New copy, 254 pages, beautifully illustrated
  • SOLD

CHIHULY’S PENDLETONS and Their Influence on his Work

Dale Chuhuly

Portland Press, Seattle

Hardback, slip cover, first edition 2000. New copy, 254 pages, beautifully illustrated


Collecting Trade Blankets

Colorful Exchange: America Indian Trade Blankets

The Indian Influences Upon my Work

Cylinders 1975-95

“Trade blankets, often called ‘Pendletons’ after their best-known manufacturer, were woven in hundreds of combinations of colors and designs by woolen mills.  Chihuly, who had studied weaving and textiles, became intrigued by the blankets’ vibrant beauty and began collecting them. Included in this collection are blankets not only from Pendleton Woolen Mills, but also from other manufacturers, such as J. Capps and Sons, Buell Manufacturing Company, Racine Woolen Mills, and Oregon City Woolen Mills.

“Also included in this volume are selections of Chihuly’s series of Blanket Cylinders.  This series features an innovative technique: threads of colored glass are fused into a drawing of a  blanket design, then picked up on the surface of hot cylinders, resulting in an image that vividly evokes a blanket’s unique texture, pattern, and colors.

“Chihuly’s Pendletons has 172 full-color reproductions, including blankets from the artist’s private collection, historical photographs, and the distinguished Blanket Cylinders series.  The volume also features an essay by Chihuly on his attraction to the blankets and his creative process in developing the series.”

Dale Chihuly
  • Subject: Native American Textiles
  • Item # C4288J
  • Date Published: Hardback, slip cover, first edition 2000
  • Size: New copy, 254 pages, beautifully illustrated
  • SOLD

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