Diné bahané—The Navajo Creation Story [SOLD]

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  • Subject: Diné - Navajo Nation
  • Item # C4438L
  • Date Published: Softcover, first edition 1984,
    fifth paperbound printing, 1995
  • Size: 431 pages
  • SOLD

Diné bahané—The Navajo Creation Story 

by Paul G. Zolbrod

University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque

Softcover, first edition 1984, fifth paperbound printing, 1995, 431 pages

“This is the most complete version of the Navajo creation story to appear in English since the publication of Washington Matthew’s Navajo Legends in 1897.  Paul G. Zolbrod’s new translation attempts to render the power and delicacy of the oral storytelling performance on the page.  His use of a poetic English idiom appropriate to the Navajo oral tradition gives us a translation that retains the social and religious significance of the original stories.”

The Text

Part One: The Emergence

Part Two: The Fifth World

Part Three: Slaying the Monsters

Part Four: Gathering of the Clans

  • Subject: Diné - Navajo Nation
  • Item # C4438L
  • Date Published: Softcover, first edition 1984,
    fifth paperbound printing, 1995
  • Size: 431 pages
  • SOLD

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