Antiquarian Edition—The American Continent and its Inhabitants before its Discovery by Columbus [SOLD]

- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C2639.19
- Date Published: 1893
- Size: Published in two volumes. Volume I: 479 pages, 15 steel engravings. Volume II: 470 pages, 15 steel engravings. SOLD
Antiquarian Edition-The American Continent and its Inhabitants before its Discovery by Columbus
Communicated by Robin Goodfellow, Fairy Historian
Written by Annie Cole Cady
Publisher: Gebbie & Co., Philadelphia, 1893
Published in two volumes. Volume I: 479 pages, 15 steel engravings. Volume II: 470 pages, 15 steel engravings. Both volumes recently rebound with brown fabric over board. Text in excellent condition.
Introductory Chapter
Evolution of the Earth from Chaos
First Appearance of Vegetation - The Carboniferous Period
The Reptilian Period
The Great Island Sea
The Beginning of Mammalia
Early Mammals of South America
The Glacial Period
The Advent of Man
The Mound Builders
The Pueblos
The Cliff Dwellers
The Maya Civilization of Yucatan
Original Indians of Brazil
The Great Market of Tlatelulco
Ancient Peru
The Roads of the Incas
The Realm of The Grand Chimu
Lake Titicaca and its Neighborhood
Inca Fabrics and Feast
The Ancient Muiscas of Colombia
The Eskimos
The North American Indians-The Dakotahs
The Algonquins, Hurons, Iroquois and other Northern Indian Tribes
The Indians of the South, Southwest and Northwest
Introductory Chapter
Birth and Early Manhood of Columbus
Marriage of Columbus and Life at Lisbon
Ferdinand and Isabella
Commencement of the Voyage
The Landing of Columbus
Columbus Returns to Spain
Second Voyage of Columbus
Third and Fourth Voyages
Last Voyage and Death
Voyages Made to the New World by Contemporaries of Columbus and others Immediately after his Death
Ojeda, Americus Vespucci, Bastidas, Vincent Pinzon, Cabral, etc.
Castilla del Oro, Darien, Cartagena, etc., etc.-The First Colonies on the Mainland of America, and How they Fared.-Balboa and the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean.-Balboa's Reward
The Conquest of Mexico
Conquest of Mexico Continued-Entrance of Cortez into the City of Mexico
The Siege and Capitulation of the City of Mexico
The Conquest of Peru
The First Voyage Round the World.-Discovery of the Straits of Magellan
Northward Advance of Spanish Exploration-Discovery of Florida
Early English and Portuguese Discoveries Along the Coast of North America
Early French Discoveries in North America
Unsuccessful Attempts of the English to Found Settlements in America
The First Successful English Settlements
Settlement of New England
The Dutch and New Netherland
The Settlement of Maryland
The Settlement of New Jersey-East New Jersey
Settlement of Pennsylvania
The Settlement of the Carolinas
English Colonization of Georgia