Articles on Southwest Native Art and Artists published in The School-Arts Magazine [SOLD]
- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # C3486W
- Date Published: published in The School-Arts Magazine, Volume XXX, No. 7, March 1931
- Size: pages 387 to 483, plus advertisements, incorporates the entire issue of this magazine
- Price: $45
Articles on Southwest Native Art and Artists published in The School-Arts Magazine, Volume XXX, No. 7, March 1931, pages 387 to 483, plus advertisements, incorporates the entire issue of this magazine.
This is a National Geographic-size magazine formerly published by The Davis Press Inc., 44 Portland Street, Worcester, Massachusetts. It is no longer in publication.
Condition: interior of magazine is in good condition. Paper cover is torn off and the front cover is missing. Back cover is available but is detached.
America’s Most Ancient Art by Kenneth M. Chapman
An Old World Trip in Our Own United States by Pedro J. Lemos
Indians of the Southwest (16-page insert) by J. Harmon Parkhurst
The Kacina Doll by Ted Swift
Lost: A Tradition by Margaret McKittrick
Crafts Del Navajo
Native Crafts in New Mexico by Helen Cramp McCrossen
The Art of the Navajo Silversmith
Indian Drawings
Navajo Art by Nils Hogner
Wick Miller, Friendly Indian Trader,
and His Post for Pueblo Indians
Art for the Grades:
Going to School with the Little Domingos by Dorothy Dunn